Friday, April 28, 2017

Rev' Omotosho Arrest's Latest! Church Breaks Silence As South African Journalist Confesses

The Rev' Tim Omotosho led  South Africa based  Jesus Dominion International church  has risen in defense of its founder,  following his ongoing trial over sex related allegation,  describing his travail as part of  South Africans  grand design against the Church and successful  Nigerians resident in the country.
Speaking exclusively to The Rhema News over the unfolding issue, Pastor Walter Shosanya of Jesus Dominion International, Durban, South Africa said allegations made against the Senior Pastor have fallen flat in the faces of his accusers because it’s been difficult for them to defend.

 Describing the Pastor's ordeal as " another spiritual xenophobic attack on Nigerian Pastors" Shosanya said Omotoso is surrounded by haters among South African pastors, who are jealous of the way God is manifesting himself through him with the power of God, wisdom, love, truth and grace, besides his detailed sense of the revelation of the word of God which he described as amazing.

In what could be described as a pointer to the hatred assertion, Shosanya said  a South African Journalist, Ziyanda Ngubane was on  23rd April tracked down  after posting on Facebook, how he and 6 Pastors plotted the case against Rev Omotosho, this  he  said,  accounts for why all allegations concocted against the preacher lacked proof.

"The Man of God, on Friday (21st April 2017) was invited to Port Elizabeth for a private meeting with the South African Police Service to hear his part of the allegation made against him by some unidentified girls in his ministry, which till now could still not identify themselves as they have been nowhere  to be found to prove  their allegations against the man of God"

 Prior to this, Shosanya explained that "on Monday (17th April 2017) a video clip was shown on South African Broadcasting Cooperation (SABC1) Special Assignment; which claimed to be exposing the involvement of the Man of God with young girls in his room asking them to touch his manhood while it was also claimed he slept with them in his room.

"The  question now is this, where are the members of the man of God's family when he was doing all this ,  does he not live with his family anymore as this was confirmed that the man of God lives with his family?. Moreso, when, as the accuser also said in the video, that because 'I saw him as father figure I could not disobey him' .

"Meanwhile, in this same  video, the faces of the girl's and the face of the Man who was impersonating the Man of God were not shown and they claim they want to expose him, yet, someone could come up to say, the allegations have been changed from committing rape  to human trafficking." 

Further picking holes in the "arrangement", Shosanya said the same video was replayed with some modifications on South African Broadcasting Cooperation (SABC 3) Thursday, (20th April 2017).

 "The Thursday’s video was modified from the one of Monday which means the story are not the same. Until on Friday when the Man of God was arrested after showing the clips without warrant of arrest, molested, humiliated and harassed, because he's a Nigerian,  I couldnt  imagine  that the black South African’s got a lot of hatred for Nigerians in particular."

Insisting  that Rev Omotosho is a victim of a grand set up, Pastor Shosanya wondered aloud over "how can a man rape 30 underage, not at the same time,  but  at different times and the victim’s did not report to the police for help but only  the media and there has been  no one proof after claiming that the man of God had  unprotected sex with them! This is a setup, who is fooling who? Shosanya exclaimed.

In his submission, " All these girls were hired and paid exorbitantly to make the allegation of rape and human trafficking against him, but now that the police have asked the accusers to come and prove their cases  they all fled and could not appear before the police but claiming they are scared to come out, whereas they have been prominent in the media".

Heaving a sigh of relief, Shosanya said the case is now between the police and Omotosho's lawyer, as no accuser has turned up to defend the allegations, even as he said the case is expected to be heard on May 3rd for a bail application.

 According to information made available by the church to TRN, Omotoso was born by prophecy into a Christian home in Ibadan, through his father's obedience to God as a pastor of the old CAC in Nigeria.

  Young Omotoso has been prophesying since the age of 6, being a miraculous child from birth. He left Nigeria for the UK from where he moved  to South Africa in 2001.

 "Since he got here (SA), God has been using him to heal different kinds of diseases and sicknesses, raising the dead who had already been in the mortuary for seven days, prayed for a child Nyakalo Matlala who was born in 2012 without anus and oesophagus as they were not formed at all. The Man of God prayed and the baby received his anus and oesophagus, after he had been operated for 37 times by 45 doctors"

In the church's record,  many prostitutes and  armed robbers  have been saved  by Omotosho, among them,  Vera Qwesha and  Achonna, hence, Pastor Walter's dilema that that the Preacher was not viewed as evil after training and mentoring  hundreds of South African male and female youths like  Simply Chrysolite, Grace Galaxy, Covenant Voices, Hosanna Voices, Mercy Voices and many more to discover their destinies.

He registered his regret however, "that the same people could turn against the man of God they have benefitted so much from".

Recall that a South Africa Magistrate’s Court denied Pastor Tim Omotosho, a Nigerian, bail following his arraignment for alleged sexually abusing 30 female members of his congregation.

The 58-year-old Nigerian miracle worker, was arrested inside the toilet at the Port Elizabeth Airport shortly after his flight landed, He was arraigned in court last Friday and was denied bail.

The police alleged that Omotoso over the years trafficked about 30 young girls from various branches of his church to a house in Umhlanga, KwaZulu-Natal where he allegedly exploited them sexually.

It was further alleged that he handpicked the girls and instructed them to live in his house where they were forced to have unprotected sex with him.

Omotosho is the founder of a 24-hour satellite TV station, Ancient of Days Broadcasting Network (ADBN), which is aired across the Caribbean, Africa, Mexico, Middle East, Europe and the United States, is married and has three children.

___ By Femi Adepoju.



  1. Today I am proud to say I now understand and know almost everything about salvation through the teachings of Prophet Tim Omotoso. My life has a new meaning, i find pleasure in giving, prayer and fasting, things I never understood before I met the man of God. He has changed a number of lives of young people in South Africa, youths that have lost hope and had never experienced love all their lives but the man of God gave them hope and today they are doing meaningful things in changing others lives. One can mention Richard Buthelezi who is now a motivational speaker and has visited several countries abroad of which he never knew that such can happen in his life. We need to fear God as a country or else we are attracting the wrath of God by persecuting His anointed servants.

  2. South Africans be very careful with what you are doing to my father in the Lord (Rev Tim Omotoso). And embrace our Lord Jesus Christ for only Him will show you people the right path to everlasting life.

  3. Uuùhhh Prophet Tim is a special Prophet of this end time. The way my Life has changed through the God he has shown me is amazing. I met him when I was 19 years trained by him in seeking the face of God today I annealing the fruits. He's a honest God frearing man and he loves God too much.... thank you Jesus for his Life# freeTimOmotoso

  4. Uuùhhh Prophet Tim is a special Prophet of this end time. The way my Life has changed through the God he has shown me is amazing. I met him when I was 19 years trained by him in seeking the face of God today I annealing the fruits. He's a honest God frearing man and he loves God too much.... thank you Jesus for his Life# freeTimOmotoso

  5. My daddy Timomotoso is a true man of God....I am in Asia(china) today because of his teachings and wisdom he shares with us in every service, he is a God sent, I never understood the word of God until I met him....his wisdom is not of this world, he has saved lot of south africans myself included and I know that God will prove to the whole world that he is his own....I love you Papa...."Let not your heart be Troubled " that is one of your teachings papa and I'm saying them back to you...

  6. When I met the Man of God in 2006 I was an intern in municipality and over-indebted. I was demonic,my family had taken me many traditional healers but no deliverance. He never touched me but commanded the Holy Spirit to set me free,free of charge. I've been delivered since, he also prayed for my cv and commanded me to apply as a manager which I did and in 2007 July I started as a middle manager from R2000pm to R12000pm.Rev.Tim Omotoso has taught me a life in Christ of liberty, giving,fasting,praying and forgiving. He always tells us our focus must be to make rapture and to follow peace with all man. I always apply his teachings in my day to day life because with Daddy everything is about God, God,God. If it's not written in God's words then it cannot be establisted. I found in him the father figure I never had and a mother in his wife.

  7. My name is David Ose aka Bobosky. I I join jdi in 2006. And my wife invited me to Tim omotoso church. Ever since than my life has change totally. Tim omotoso is the person that prayed for my marriage today my life is a glory all because of this man. I was doing all manner of bad things I was in pe selling drugs and doing Internet fruad but today I am now a pastor all because of Tim omotoso. My life is a testimony. I use to have Anger issue Tim prayed for me . today I am free all glory to Tim omotoso. He is a true man of God . He has a lot to give to the world not only south Africa but the world. He is not what south Africans are calling him. All about him is Jeans . and God. Today I can preach all because of him. And am still with him. He has all am looking for in ministry he is my father and mentor. Viva Tim omotoso. #free Tim Omotoso. Shalom from Bobosky.

  8. When i met the men of God Rev Tim Omotoso in 2002, i was 10 years old and i came with my mother who was unemployed and who had been recently divorced. We came to one of the man of God's crusades, after 3 days of attending his crusades my mom took a step of faith and applied for a job with the government as she was always rejected but this time she got the job through prayer by the man of God Rev Tim Omotoso. Our lives changed from then, i joined the Kingdom Kids sunday school program and from there have been singing in the ministry till today. The man of God has taught me to fear God, he taught me that Christianity is a lifestyle not just a religion. I have a great understanding of the word of God because of his teachings. He taught me how to behave as a young lady and i can stand anywhere today because i have confidence in Christ through the teachings of this man. He is a father to me, he has been helping my mother with my education and through his prayer i was an A student all through varsity by the special grace of God. I have many more testimonies even from my family. South africa should not rob themseves of such an annointing.
    I am Lebohang Ndzikiti.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Rev Tim Omotoso is no ordinary man. The special grace of God and anointing and extraordinary calling has changed my life and touched my family and my close friends families that I introduced to the prophet of God unimaginably. I know the Man of God for great testimonies mind blowing teachings and being a life changer. His obedience to Christ is none that I've seen from anybody before hence the man they can try to misrepresent him as can never be within the characteristics of the man he is. He's trained me musically and through the Word of God for many years. I was offered 3 TV Shows without auditioning or having experience from just meeting the Man of God and attending House of Jacob services. My close friend who auditioned and was declined 12 years in a row for Lion King Broadway, was by sheer grace of meeting the Man of God offered a contract in Hong Kong even at their cut off age of recruitment. Her little sister was miraculously healed from full blown AIDS and meningitis after her first church meeting with the man of God producing her results as negative- doctors are still in awe. My other close friend after 10 years of being with her partner and no means of getting married based on families not approving only met the Man of God received a prayer with her spouse and happily married with support of their families last year November. My own little sister was on drugs and drank heavily , today she's sober clean and has a permanent contract at work without qualifications through the same Man. I witnessed many wonderful life changes hence I cannot be moved by anything contrary.

  11. Rev Omotoso is the great man of GOD.
    The Prophet of the end time whom GOD has used to change the lives of many from all the world.
    He is a life changer.
    The LORD used him to heal my younger brother who had stroke, fits and a clot in his brain.

  12. I joined the ministry in 2011, my life was a total mess. I grew up in a home where my grandmother was a Sangoma, I had no knowledge of the deep things of the Kingdom of God till I met the Prophet of God, Tim Omotoso. I used to smoke, drink alcohol, party, sleep around until I came to Jesus Dominion International where I was not judged but the God the man of God Tim Omotoso introduced to me, changed my life from a mess to a message. I can never finish counting the blessings and testimonies I have since I came to Jesus Dominion International and they are enough for me to say PROPHET TIM OMOTOSO IS A TRUE MAN OF GOD! Today I'm a Law student because of the same God he introduced to me. I never qualified, but the God who qualifies the unqualified got me admitted at the University of South Africa by His grace and mercy. This is my story, I am not moved by false allegations against him because I know that He's innocent.

  13. my name is Akhona Dube I live in East London.I am a mother of two girls aged 21and 16yrs.I was a prostitute and a chronic alcoholic for many years, I left my children with my mother for all these years never really cared and never took full responsibility for my daughters, in 2014 when I came home to visit my family I went to a crusade that was held in East London orient theatre by Jesus Dominion International of Rev Tim Omotoso it was on 17-05-2014 on Saturday evening. By the grace of God Rev Tim Omotoso prayed for me and delivered me from the spirit of prostitution and alcoholic it took God to deliver me bcoz I had given up on life and the thought of killing myself always crossed my mind.Rev Tim Omotoso gave me direction in my life and inspired me to write a book about my life to use it to change other people's lives. Since that day I have been a responsible woman,a responsible mother to my daughters.I wrote a book Titled My Rough Journey From Oblivion To Pavilion.Today I go out and Preach gospel of Jesus Christ because of the encounter which I had with Rev Tim Omotoso and I am not the only person Tim Omotoso has helped in this country.I always thank God for meeting him.There's joy in my family today.

  14. My father in the Lord Rev Tim Omotoso changed my life drastically. To begin with I was a drunkard when I came to JDI. I had a court case for driving under influence of alcohol. He prayed for me and my case was cancelled. From then, under his mentorship I have come to know salvation. To the glory of God he also picked me to be trained as a Pastor in training.. and now his influence has rubbed on in me. Not only did he teach me about Christ.. he has taught me values on being a man, a leader and a business man. By the grace of God I now own my own business.
    My father Rev Tim Omotoso is beyond a shadow of a doubt a MAN OF GOD TO THE CORE. Testimonies about how God has used him can fill books. He has instilled positivity in me and many of us as the youth in RSA and other parts of the world. He is what the world especially the youth need in this world. While some arrested my body.. He arrested my soul for Christ Jesus.

  15. My father in the Lord Rev Tim Omotoso changed my life drastically. To begin with I was a drunkard when I came to JDI. I had a court case for driving under influence of alcohol. He prayed for me and my case was cancelled. From then, under his mentorship I have come to know salvation. To the glory of God he also picked me to be trained as a Pastor in training.. and now his influence has rubbed on in me. Not only did he teach me about Christ.. he has taught me values on being a man, a leader and a business man. By the grace of God I now own my own business.
    My father Rev Tim Omotoso is beyond a shadow of a doubt a MAN OF GOD TO THE CORE. Testimonies about how God has used him can fill books. He has instilled positivity in me and many of us as the youth in RSA and other parts of the world. He is what the world especially the youth need in this world. While some arrested my body.. He arrested my soul for Christ Jesus.

  16. It is sad to understand tht south africa is failing daily.becouse theie doughters,lie a lot i am thinking how many man are wrongly accused who are in prison today.but God will protect his own.i stayed with them tht year when they were talking rubbish on tv this man of God mu father in the lord lways sent them home he will say i coute.i dont want yo parents to say i took their children.go home they will ask him pls can i be in durban he will say talk to yo parents first.but to say its human traficking its yo news and yo creatives of lies,can u lie against God an be scot free no.Rev Tim Omotoso is A true Man of God.he sents them to school pay their bills on their hundreds and boys today they lie against him.u guys when we told u about the HIV been healed never believe u say its a lie this is also a lie.

  17. Rev. Tim Omotoso he is areal man of God in my entire life i never saw anyone like him with love for people , wisdom and used by God to heal all kind of deseases #freetimOmotoso

  18. Rev. Tim Omotoso he is areal man of God in my entire life i never saw anyone like him with love for people , wisdom and used by God to heal all kind of deseases #freetimOmotoso

  19. my name is Siphiwe Sibiya , It Was year 2010 when i joined Jesus Dominion International aka JDI under a Prophet of God Tim Omotoso. i came in church i was so sick having tuberculosis , migraine and suffered from depression . my life was meaningless. The man of Rev Tim Omotoso prayed for me , i was healed instantly . my life changed for good. I was made whole. More over the Man of God touch me how to pray, fast, read the word of God and to give. He showed me the way of loving God wholeheartedly , to be a true child of God. through His teachings today i am a child of God , through his wisdom today i have hope in life , through His love as a father to me today i see the reason of living . I thank God for your life Baba Tim Omotoso # Free Tim Omotoso !

  20. My daddy ...a true Man of God.The prophet of end time #free Tim Omotoso

  21. MATTHEW 5-11
    Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake.
    "Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you".
    Rev Tim Omotoso is True Prophet of God and i will always Love Him. i thank God for giving me Great Grace to be His Son in the Lord

  22. I'm Nontokozo Dludla...
    I joined the ministry in 2010. Ever since i joined ministry called Jesus Dominion International my spiritual life changed I had an encounter to see Jesus And Angels and also to parade paradise like no mans business by the grace of God.. An experience i never experienced anywhere I'm grateful to meet Rev Tim Omotoso by introdusing a worst sinner like me to Christ while i was in Chrisis. Last week Thursday by God's grace i went to heaven accompanied by two angels It always a grace i have inheriated from my Father Rev. TIM OMOTOSO.. (Proud member of Jesus Dominion Internationa)God bless you

  23. he has done nothing but showed us and thought us the bible ,grace etc
    some of us we were struggling with no prosperity but now good things are being revived
    too many testimonies we have but just because people cant appreciate
    he is a mentor I have always wished i could have
    now am able to teach other people with his teachings ,I gained confidence I never thought i would ever have
    I just recently got my period that I lost we just a prayer no hand was laid upon me but a instruction
    may the Lord strengthened him ,with more power ,success and more visions

  24. Rev. Tim Omotoso is not like any other man of God. He is a man of integrity. He knows the way, shows the and goes the way! Teaches the undiluted truth think in the word of God. Mpho

  25. I came in the ministry JDI in the year 2006 with my mom following the testimony of her sister my aunt, my aunt when she came to the ministry she was blind and miraculously was healed by God through the laying of hand by Rev Tim Omotoso she began to see until today. My mom came after when she saw the power of God in the man of God through in the life of my aunt. She came and she was about to be charged for theft at work and the man of God by word of knowledge he prophesied and cancel the case, what happened it was a shocked God hid all the evidence including the finger print disappeared by themselves. God has been using the man of God in my family lives for many years my father was suffering from migraine and God by healed him by just believing when man of God was praying for another lady. In 2011 myself and my friends we asked Daddy Rev Tim Omotoso to train us personally, he did so encouraging us in prayer, fasting and word of God he even prophesied upon our lives and my life as an individual, I'm telling you they are coming to pass each and every day God is so wonderful, the Elijah who opened my eyes to see these things it's the very man of God Rev Tim Omotoso.
    My Name
    Ntsikelelo Ntsika Mnyimba

  26. I came in the ministry JDI in the year 2006 with my mom following the testimony of her sister my aunt, my aunt when she came to the ministry she was blind and miraculously was healed by God through the laying of hand by Rev Tim Omotoso she began to see until today. My mom came after when she saw the power of God in the man of God through in the life of my aunt. She came and she was about to be charged for theft at work and the man of God by word of knowledge he prophesied and cancel the case, what happened it was a shocked God hid all the evidence including the finger print disappeared by themselves. God has been using the man of God in my family lives for many years my father was suffering from migraine and God by healed him by just believing when man of God was praying for another lady. In 2011 myself and my friends we asked Daddy Rev Tim Omotoso to train us personally, he did so encouraging us in prayer, fasting and word of God he even prophesied upon our lives and my life as an individual, I'm telling you they are coming to pass each and every day God is so wonderful, the Elijah who opened my eyes to see these things it's the very man of God Rev Tim Omotoso.
    My Name
    Ntsikelelo Ntsika Mnyimba

  27. I'm Percy Percy
    My encounter with my father Tim Omotoso had made a huge difference in my life. Upto today I have been travelling to USA to Dubai and many more other countries around the world through my Tim Omotoso. More over Tim Omotoso introduced me to the Original Jesus Christ now by the grace of God I'm preaching the undiluted true gospel of Christ. By the grace of God my father changed many more lives, people who were drugs addicts but now are proclaiming the good News of the gospel. He brought flesh to our dry bones, Christ to our crisis, Solution to our pollution trough the word and the power of God. South Americans need someone like my mentor. We need Him as youth. We appreciate Tim Omotoso in our lives.

  28. My name is Ayabonga Madlavuza. Daddy is man with God rather exellent heart. A man that lives the scripture, He does not preach the scripture He lives. Meeting him changed mylife. I use to drink party sleep with any man like there is no tommorrow but after I meet my Papa Rev Tim Omotoso mylife changed. When you are in darknes you will not see that the place dark untill a light comes. Papa is that light in mylife. I joined the ministry in 2008. Papa told i will never die young. I understood him because the way i lived then was a short cut to death. His teachings has made me to change mylifestyle. He always encaurages youth to go go school. I was one of the people who took that advice and run with it. Today i am an educated woman who lives an alchol free life. Papa is the man that SA needs. The high rate of crime on SA is more caused by the youth that drinks theirlife. Nobody is doing anything about that but when a man does go He is sent to jail. South Africa should look at how this man has changed peoples lives in every kind.


  29. Rev Tim Omotoso is a man God revealed to after I asked Him a question "show me a man on earth who has lived your Bible". I was 29 at the time I met Rev Tim Omotoso and all my biblical questions were answered. REV Tim Omotoso makes the Word of God practical that why he atracts most youths. He has showed me both the Word of God and the God of the word. Im balanced, his character, a man of God who carries God's power yet he is so humble, He did ordain and made His young boys his Pastors, these are people who had nothing but He saw something great in them. He tamed His Fame because of His humble character,this is, after the powerful testimonies in his ministry, still no one knew about Him. Amazing how lies about He spread like fire...I miss my Father, my Daddy, my Mentor, my spiritual guide #FreeTimOmotoso

  30. Rev Tim Omotoso spoke a Word and my father was saved from the mouth of the grave. My biological father who is now 77 years old has no high blood pressure or diabetes, that can only be God's power. This is what amazes me about Jesus Dominion International, every single person there, has a testimony. My entire family believes in Jesus Christ today because they brought their problems but Rev Tim Omotoso led them to Christ and solved their problem..I have seen Jesus in this man, literally, please set Him free..#FreeTimOmotoso

  31. Rev Tim Omotoso spoke a Word and my father was saved from the mouth of the grave. My biological father who is now 77 years old has no high blood pressure or diabetes, that can only be God's power. This is what amazes me about Jesus Dominion International, every single person there, has a testimony. My entire family believes in Jesus Christ today because they brought their problems but Rev Tim Omotoso led them to Christ and solved their problem..I have seen Jesus in this man, literally, please set Him free..#FreeTimOmotoso

  32. without any reservation of word and thought, i affirm that which i have seen and a partaker of; if anyone is indeed still flying the banner of Christ in its true and radical form without diluting it, i stand to proclaim Christ in the life of Tim Omotoso. The media have taken advantage of his liberty and humility, his open hands to the dejected and hopeless in their thousands including those that have turned against him to accuse him.. if wealth was the agenda then we are not the desired congregation but he came to the lowly and castigated many whom through the grace of God upon his life, he trained, motivated, and made a different and respectable, responsible entities in the society. His deeds are well known but ignored and all allegations are but propaganda. As for me and my house hold, we stand for the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ through the teachings and leading of Prophet Timothy Omotoso "turning the hearts of men back to God"..

  33. I thought I was just going to read the article and comments without commenting however I am so disappointed by the commenters. Let us start, no one is denying Omotoso gift and deeds however the issue here is the allegation of human traficking. I understand many assume that human trafficking is just an a crime on its own, its not it always link to another. For instance, human trafficking for prostitution, sex slave and including drug mules. Therefore Omotoso is also facing rape in direct, he has to explain the intention to take minors from their parents withour their consent.

    Now its clear, if the are underage girls that were or staying with him. He should provide that he got consent from guardians or parents if not then its human trafficking. If that is established, he must explain the purpose of trafficking these minor girls then a sexual slave that is rape in simple terms will be established.

    1. Don't judge a man you know from what the media told you, my advice is follow the story from an unbiased level don't supporters nor should you support haters. Then common sense will tell you, xenophobia and other evil motives is behind this. Everyone is innocent till proven guilty don't persecute anyone based on allegations. He has not been proven guilty of all the allegations. Many mighty men have been falsely accused before surely you know that. Allow Gods children to share what we know about this man of God who has done good in this country but all were so preoccupied to see it because the same South Africans persecuting him have never done what this man has done to help thousands of South African youth without advertising himself on the media and that's the reason why he is hated. God will vindicate him watch the space!

  34. Rev Tim Omotoso is a man God revealed to after I asked Him a question "show me a man on earth who has lived your Bible". I was 29 at the time I met Rev Tim Omotoso and all my biblical questions were answered. REV Tim Omotoso makes the Word of God practical that why he atracts most youths. He has showed me both the Word of God and the God of the word. Im balanced, his character, a man of God who carries God's power yet he is so humble, He did ordain and made His young boys his Pastors, these are people who had nothing but He saw something great in them. He tamed His Fame because of His humble character,this is, after the powerful testimonies in his ministry, still no one knew about Him. Amazing how lies about He spread like fire...I miss my Father, my Daddy, my Mentor, my spiritual guide #FreeTimOmotoso

  35. Rev Tim Omotoso is a true prophet of God. Any Christian who is prayerful full of the Holy Spirit and follow the scripture won't need to look hard to know this man is a true prophet of God. The bible tells us who is true and who is false. Jesus told his disciples that they shall be HATED by all men for his names sake. Rev Tim Omotoso is receiving a bad treatment because he is genuine and a true son of God and follower of Christ. Anyone who is not of Christ the world will love them, they are not of God. False accusations is the system used by the rulers of this world, the world believe lies because their hearts are deceitful and God has given them to a reprobate mind. They crucified Jesus because they felt he was guilty and only until he was on the cross they realized he was not fake. We will not fall to the device of the enemy nobody is been convinced to believe that the man of God is innocent we know he is we don't need corrupt police system and an unjust legal system to prove him. In all things we give God the glory and at the end of all these judgement will be faced by all the inhabitants of the world before the throne of God and will be judged according to their works. Saints let's keep praying this is end time rapture is knocking.

  36. Tim Omotoso is really a man of GOD. South Africa you must be very careful of who you play with. you know that you can not practice your evil because the man is here in south africa ,he was sent by God to stop all these salvation BT to teach the real gospel. The man who was busy praying for south Africa now u turned against him, a life changer, healer I seer u will answa before God. #Free Tim omotoso. I love you papa continue yenzokuhle


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L-R: Fisayo Ajibola, Chief Executive Officer, Perfect Brands,  HON. (Prince) Bashir Oladele Adeniji, Executive Chairman of Ado-Odo/Ot...